Among all the many choices of hosting solutions available, OpenBSD is one of the most secure. The source code is freely available and has been continually audited by the OpenBSD auditing team since 1996. Binary emulation of many programs from Linux, FreeBSD, and several other Unix-like operating systems, is also supported under OpenBSD.
FreeBSD, like OpenBSD, is an offshoot of the work done with Unix at the University of California at Berkeley. The emphasis during it’s development was on cross-platform compatibility and maximizing utilization of system resources. FreeBSD, much like Debian Linux, is a solid choice for a hosting platform.

For optimum uptime and reliability, Mikro-Data.net recommends Debian Linux for our dedicated server hosting packages. Debian has been in existence since 1993 and provides a very stable and current hosting platform. By hosting your server on Debian Linux you will be able to stay current with the latest security updates very easily and quickly.

RedHat Linux is justly famous for it’s exceptional reliability. It isn’t unusual to see a properly set up Linux box operate smoothly and continually for months at a time, without even needing a reboot. If a steady, reliable service is what you’re looking for, RedHat Linux may be the hosting platform for you. If you’re considering a large project with many users or webpages, the new Linux RedHat Enterprise products are designed for just such applications.

Building on the solid Internet technologies delivered in Windows NT® Server 4.0, Windows 2000 Server provides a well-integrated package containing the application development environment, security, and scalability you need to get more out of existing applications. Plus you can build new and versatile solutions using the most complete set of Internet technologies available.

There are two major changes that stand out in a web-hosting environment. The first is the inclusion of the .Net Framework, and the second is an update to Microsoft’s web server, Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS 5.0), to version 6.0. The .Net Framework is an entirely new software development platform which will dramatically change the way applications are developed and hosted.