action when an ip has exceeded your configured maximum settings.
You can specify that users may send X messages in X # of seconds, email
in excess of that would trigger an action, which can be any of the following;
- Display an alert to screen in foreground mode.
- Log an alert to syslog.
- Email an alert to a predefined email address.
- Run an external command with the ip and # of messages as a arguments.

Tests are done to detect duplicates, detect configuration file corruption, and test to see if it could restart prior to attempting to do so.
If DNSweb detects that the configuration file is locked by a user in vi, it will warn the user, and after a pre-configured grace period for them to save their changes, it will kill their session and do it’s modifications.

Version 1.3 The sample ulogd.conf modified for Etch and Lenny.
Version 1.2 includes a rewrite if the N[#], AI[#], AO[#], DI[#], and D0[#] processors to allow non contiguous rule sets.
Version 1.1 includes a new strict tcp flag checking option, which tests for various combinations of malformed tcp packets by a single yes/no option in the config file

To Install:
Step 1: Download the WebCP.deb file.
Step 2: Run “apt-get install apache libapache-mod-php4 libapache-mod-ssl ca-certificates ipopd mysql-server-4.1 php4-cli php4-curl php4-imap php4-mcrypt php4-mhash php4-mysql php4-pear proftpd quota quotatool sasl2-bin sendmail-bin uw-imapd”
Step 3: Run “dpkg -i webcp-0.5.7.deb”
Then continue the setup by going to https://domainfromconfig:81

The pynamic client connects to the pynamicd server which is ran on the secondary DNS server and provides the ability to add zones, delete zones and conditionally restart the secondary DNS server.
PynamicD uses blowfish encryption between the client and server with a preshared key, additionally the pynamicd server takes a list of allowed clients, and all other connections are dropped and logged.
Tests are done to detect duplicates, detect configuration file corruption, and test to see if it could restart prior to attempting to do so.
If PynamicD detects that the configuration file is locked by a user in vi, it will warn the user, and after a pre-configured grace period for them to save their changes, it will kill their session and do it’s modifications.